Film Culture No. 56-57, 1973


Film Culture No. 56-57, 1973

A Poet is Dead (In Memory of Jerome Hill), by Jonas Mekas
An Interview with Jerome Hill, by Jonas Mekas
Filmography of Jerome Hill
Man's Well-Being, Behavior & The Spread of Knowledge, by Roberto Rossellini
Eleventh Independent Film Award (Robert Breer)
Robert Breer — from "The Visionary Film-Makers", by P. Adams Sitney
An Interview with Robert Breer, by Jonas Mekas & P. Adams Sitney
An Interview with Robert Breer, by Charles Levine
Letter from Robert Breer to Jonas Mekas
Robert Breer Filmography
Brakhage's The Act Of Seeing With One's Own Eyes, by Daniel H. Levoff
A Casing Shelved (Michael Snow), by Andree Hayum
Jean Cocteau's Letters to Leni Riefenstahl
Leni Riefenstahl Interviewed by Gordon Hitchens
Henry Jaworsky Interviewed by Gordon Hitchens, Kirk Bond and John Hanhardt
Propaganda as Vision — "Triumph Of The Will", by Ken Kelman
Production Credits for "Triumph Of The Will"
Nazi Critical Praise for "Triumph Of The Will"
The Production of The Olympia Films. Incorrect Statements and Their Refutation, by Leni Riefenstahl
"Olympiad 1936" — Andrew Sarris and Dick Schapp Discuss Riefenstahl Film
Production Credits for "Olympia"
Nazi Critical Praise for "Olympia"
Why I Am Filming "Penthesilea"?, by Leni Riefenstahl, with an introduction by John Hanhardt
Leni Riefenstahl's Letter To Hitchens
Filmography of Leni Riefenstahl
The Roman Catholic Cinema of French Canada, by Seymour Stern
Letters (Ken Jacobs, Ernie Gehr, Donald Wigal)
Books Received
An Index To Film Culture N. 1-N. 57
(Photographs — 72 pages in all — Snow, Breer and Riefenstahl, not