Film Culture No. 20, 1959

$50.00 / Sold Out

Film Culture No. 20, 1959

Editorial, by Jonas Mekas
An Outline for a Film on Peace, by Cesare Zavattini
Vive La Guerre!, by Edouard de Laurot
Flaherty and "Tabu," by Richard Griffith
A Few Reminiscences, David Flaherty
Turia, An Original Story, by Murnau and Flaherty
Tabu, A Story of the South Seas, by Murnau and Flaherty
Neorealist Cinematography, by Nestor Almendros
The Early Work of Bresson, by Richard Roud
Willard Maas, by Parker Tyler
The European Western, by G. N. Fenin and W. K. Everson
A Letter From Mexico, by Adolfas Mekas
Touch of Evil, by H. G. W.
Ivan The Terrible, Paft Two, by H. G. W.
Coffee, Brandy & Cigars (XXXII), by H. G. Weinberg