
Galaxy: Avant-Garde Film-makers Look Across Space and Time, text by Robert A. Haller
$5.00 / Sold out
Curtis Harrington: Cinema on the Edge, edited by Amy Greenfield
Lovers of Cinema, edited by Jan-Christopher Horak
$10.00 / Sold out
Optic Antics: The Cinema of Ken Jacobs, edited by Michele Pierson, David E. James, and Paul Arthur
$25.00 / Sold out
Portraits of American Independent Filmmakers 1974-1981, by Friedl Kubelka
Lens, by Frank Kuenstler
Fritz Lang 2000, edited by Robert A. Haller
Gregory J. Markopoulos: Mythic Themes, Portraiture, and Films of Place
$5.00 / On sale
The Adolfas Diaries: Book 1, by Adolfas Mekas
$20.00 / Sold out
The Adolfas Diaries: Book 2, by Adolfas Mekas
6 opere di Jonas Mekas, edited by Ben Northover
Conversations, Letters, Notes, Misc. Pieces etc., by Jonas Mekas
$15.00 / Sold out
Just Like a Shadow, by Jonas Mekas
$30.00 / Sold out
My Night Life, by Jonas Mekas
There Is No Ithaca, by Jonas Mekas
$5.00 / On sale
A Guide to Independent Film and Video, Edited by Hollis Melton
Pier Paolo Pasolini: A Future Life (A Cinema of Poetry), edited by Laura Betti
$40.00 / Sold out
The Dark of the Screen, by Sidney Peterson
Banned in the USA: America and Film Censorship, edited by Steve Seid
$5.00 / Sold out
The Zanzibar Films and the Dandies of May 1968, by Sally Shafto
$5.00 / On sale
Visionary Film: The American Avant-Garde 1943-2000, by P. Adams Sitney
$20.00 / Sold out
Paper Airplanes: The Collections of Harry Smith, edited by John Klacsmann and Andrew Lampert
String Figures: The Collections of Harry Smith, edited by John Klacsmann and Andrew Lampert
$25.00 / Sold out
Retrospective: Michael Snow
The Media Arts in Transition, by Walker Art Center
Recycled Images: The Art and Politics of Found Footage Films, by William Wees
Coffee, Brandy & Cigars, by Herman G. Weinberg
A Manhattan Odyssey: A Memoir, by Herman G. Weinberg